Sunday, February 3, 2013


An opportunity recently came for me to go to Rome, Italy in September with some friends from the East Metro Girls meetup group. I have never been out of the states other than a short jaunt to into Tijuana, Mexico while in San Diego. Another short jaunt into Thunder Bay, Ontario while at the north shore. Both visits were only an hour or so. I haven't been on a real vacation since 1988, just a short weekend trip now and then. So spending 10 days in Rome sounds so much fun and unresistable! This blog will be a record of my planning, my thoughts, my questions, my anxieties, about this trip. I also hope to blog each day, once in Rome, letting everyone know what we're doing and posting pictures.

I just e-filed my taxes today and between the federal and the state I'm getting back almost $1600. This will be used for the flight and hotel reservations. I just need to wait for the money to be deposited into my account. I know there is a lot I need to do before the trip, such as getting a passport and raising more money. Even though the flight and lodging is pretty much taken care of I still need money to eat, admission fees, transportation and souvenirs and whatever else comes up. Overtime is being offered at work for the next 3 months or so and I plan to work as much as possible. Anything over my usual straight 80 hours paycheck will be divided between Rome and paying my medical bills from my kidney stone/hospitalization last September.

I am also trying to lose weight again. I would love to get below 200 lbs by then, but I'll be happy if I get anywhere near 200 lbs. I don't want to tire out while walking around Rome or slow anyone else down. This brings up more money I need to raise. When I lose that weight, I'll need new clothes. Hell, I need new clothes anyways. I don't want to walk around Rome in my grungy, ill-fitting, old clothes. Some of the clothes I wear now I was wearing in pictures taken over 5 years ago! Too help offset the cost of a new wardrobe, I'll be setting aside $5 for every pound I lose. This will be used for clothes shopping late July and August. I will need to buy capris, shorts, sundresses, and shoes etc.

I've thought about (jokingly) holding a fundraiser to raise the money. Maybe having a Tastefully Simple or Pampered Chef party where instead of getting free merchandise, getting a check instead (is this even an option with home/book parties). Or maybe selling candy bars. I'm hoping someone in the cities here has a garage sale this summer where I can sell my old stuff. I'm hoping to sell some things on eBay also.

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